There comes a time when you feel like staying at home is a hassle and can’t wait to return to work. The ideal workplace would be somewhere where you can have comfort, time and calmness or, in other words, your home.
Moving the workstation to homes meant the work progress would slow down significantly. Several new software came to light upon the need for communication with teammates. However, the transition from office to home meant the employees had every bit of freedom they desired. For some, it was like the true definition of paradise; they never wanted the dream to end. It took months for everyone to realize the importance of office workplaces when they kept seeing the same faces every day. There wasn’t a need to dress up, no interactions with people, no driving, no weather experience and, in short, zero productivity. This tragedy took a significant toll on many people. While some chose to stay energetic and exercise towards rehabilitation, others succumbed to the relaxation and grew unhealthy. There was a substantial increase in obesity among the young and the old. If it weren’t for Covid, many of us wouldn’t realize the importance of offices and how much we take them for granted.
It’s a topic that can go either way and benefit the people on their terms. Remote working is mainly based on the employee’s benefits, while office working leans towards physical presence. It’s a fine line between good and bad where even a minute push can make you fall over the edge.